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Cool Sculpting – Cool Sculpting is a non-invasive body sculpting procedure that can drastically reduce the appearance of your fat. Florida is one of the most popular states for people looking to lose weight. Since there are so many overweight individuals who want to look and feel better, there are plenty of options for them to choose from. One option that is gaining popularity among people in Florida is non-invasive fat reduction cool sculpting. The cool sculpting process is fairly simple and only takes about an hour. A tube is placed around the area where the person wishes to lose fat from. Coolant is then pumped into the area, causing it to freeze and ultimately kill off the fat cells. The body then flushes out these dead cells, leaving you with a slimmer waistline. Non-invasive fat reduction cool sculpting has been shown to be one of the best methods of getting rid of excess fat while improving the overall tone of your body. There are no incisions or downtime required, and you can see results as soon as three weeks after your first treatment! If you are looking into Cool Sculpting or are interested in more information on cool sculpting in or near Jacksonville FL, Contact us today.